To help immunity from illness and overall good health, there’s a recommended daily intake of nutrients and vitamins you should consume. Below are the best vitamins for your teeth. Vitamin A – Consuming vitamin A will help your gums in the long run and also heal any inflammation they may have. Vitamin B – Great …
Treating Black Circles Under Your Eyes
Want two easy ways to help get rid of those dark circles under your eyes? Read below! Our most popular way of getting rid of dark circles, is go to sleep for longer! Not to insult your intelligence, but a lot of people have dark circles under their eyes due to a lack of sleep. …
Different Types Of Natural Face Masks To Make
Face masks are a brilliant way in making your skin feel great and rejuvenated. Here are a couple different face masks depending on the type of skin you have. Egg white mask – This type of face mask is great for tightening pores. It also contains lemon juice, which is good for removing blackheads due …
An Alternative Form Of Dental Treatment
As you know, we are massive endorsers of natural health treatments on this site. We’ve found a new treatment which may work wonders for your beloved teeth, a strawberry, salt and baking soda scrub! Strawberries can help break into plaque as they are high in Vitamin C, and also contains malic acid which helps remove …
Fats That Are Good For You
It’s a common misconception that fats are bad for you. Whilst some aren’t exactly great for your body, others are very good. Have a look below at some of the good fats for your body. Polyunsaturated fats are brilliant in lowering your cholesterol level. You can find these fats in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. …